Computer Network Architecture & Components, Part 2

Architectural types and the variety of components that form networks

soul of a nameless bard
5 min readJan 8, 2022


In the previous section, computer networks were defined and examples were provided along with the two main types of computer networks based on geographical proximity. Next, the architecture of computer networks and the three main components that form a network are discussed.

Architecture is important to understand as it is the high level and abstract view of the computer network and should first be understood at this level before going deeper into more details.

Network Architecture

The architecture of a computer network is the structural organization of the network. Simply put, it’s how all the computers in the network are arranged together to do the automated work the network is supposed to do.

There are mainly two network architectures that are widely used today.


In a client/server network, one or a group of centralized servers are responsible for providing a service to client devices that send it requests over the internet to use the service. All client requests must go through the server network, even client requests…



soul of a nameless bard

Research and reflections on various topics in systems and software/hardware engineering, design, biology, consciousness, metaphysics and spirituality